The beta for the next version of Android, which is Android 11, is available for Pixel phones. Now, a bunch of features  Android 11 has already leaked. But it's official now. So you wanna get into what the new features are. Now, overall, my take is that Android is a mature operating system, which means that the fundamentals are really not gonna change that much. There are a few new important features but the context here is that Android already does a lot. And so a lot of the features aren't necessarily about doing new things, but helping you make sense of all of the things that Android already does. One of the biggest jobs that a mature operating system has is managing completely.

Notification Grouping:-

So here's a question, how well does Android 11 manage all of the things that Android does? So to start, every version of Android messes with notifications. And I much prefer the year-over-year changes that Google tries to make with Android to improve it than the way that Apple does things with the iPhone, which is to almost never change anything about notifications. So in Android 11, Google is separating out your notifications into three really clear and distinct sections with big, obvious labels. There are Conversations, Alerting notifications, and Silent notifications. And the new section here is Conversations, which separates out the notifications from your chat apps into their own section at the top, and that lets you do a bunch of things with those notifications.

Know More About All Feature Of Android 11 In YouTube Video

Chat Bubble:-

The first thing is you can bubble those notifications, which turns them into these like bubble chat heads that sit on the top of other apps. You might have seen it in apps like Facebook Messenger, where there's this head floating around, you can put it wherever you want, you tap on it, and it opens up the conversation. That's now going to become available to any chat app on Android. And by default, that's just gonna show like the whole chat up inside little window, but developers can customize it for it if they want. The other thing that the Conversations lets you do is you can long press on them, and you can mark a person's conversation inside a chat app as priority. And what that means is they're gonna be able to break through your do not disturb settings. And also when you look at your little notification tray at the top of your screen, you're gonna see their face instead of just the icon for the app.

Notification History :-

Google also took what used to be a really weird hacky thing and they made it official. You can go into your Settings and find your Notification history. So in case you accidentally dismiss notification, you can go to Settings and find it again. You also get a few more controls over how do not disturb works that lets you customize which apps are able to break through do not disturb, in addition to those priority conversations.  

Media PlayBack :_

So there is one other thing to talk about with notifications. You used to have media playback control in your notification shade, and Google's now moving that up into the quick settings. So it's sort of part of the notification shade, but sort of not, anyway, it's up there at the top now, and when you expand it down, there's  gonna be a little button that you can press, and when you press it, it will let you choose where your audio goes, Bluetooth headphones, or speaker or wherever. So that's notifications.

Power Button Menu :-

 The next interaction zone that Google has beefed up for Android 11 is the power menu. It's the thing that you get when you long press the power sleep wake button thing. It has your usual power options like before, Emergency, Power off, Restart. There is lockdown but unfortunately, it's hidden under a three dot menu. Underneath that are your Google Wallet passes. So your bank cards and your boarding passes if you ever get to go on a plane again, that's all stuff that we've seen before. What's new is that Google is putting smart home control buttons underneath that here. So it's sort of like what the iPhone does with home controls and control center. But on Android, it's in this power menu. You can customize what buttons show up here, you can just tap on stuff to turn lights on and off, you can drag your finger to change brightness. You can also just long press to go in and see more options and so on. This section is powered by the Google Home app. And that's good because it's one less thing that you have to set up. But it does mean that I think that different companies are gonna do different things with this power menu. So if you buy a Samsung phone, I would expect to see Samsung Pay and Samsung Smart Home controls in the section here. So that's notifications and power.

Improved Recent App Tray :-

 There are a couple other zones to talk about. There's the home screen, and one of the things you can do here is replace your dot with suggested apps from Android, you know, contextual guesses of what you're gonna want to open next. There's also the multitasking screen or you might call it the recent screen, and there's three new buttons on the bottom here. So if you tap screenshot, it pulls a screenshot of the app that's front most in multitasking. You can tap Select, and it will show you what text is selectable to directly copy in your clipboard. Or you can tap Share, and it'll grab a screenshot of that front most app and bring up automatically.

Smart Screenshot options :-  

Speaking of screenshots, when you take one, it no longer goes into notifications, it creates this little interface down in the lower left hand corner where you can tap Share or Edit. It's just like the way that the iPhone does it. So those are the major zones, notifications, power menu, home screen, and the new recent screen, and all of them are designed to help you make sense of all the features that Android is now throwing at you.

Single Time App Permissions :-

We have a lot more features of Android 11 to go through, so let's keep going. So location permissions are getting stricter in Android 11. From now on, apps can only ask for three different kinds. One time, while the app is open, or just straight up deny. That one time thing is new and it's something that the iPhone already has. Now, if an app really, really wants constant background permission, it needs to send you deep into Android settings where you turn on permanent access there. Also, if you hit deny a couple of times when the app asks you for location permission, Android will just tell the app to stop asking you and it won't be able to do it again.

Native Screen Recording :-

All right, let's see what else. Well, we've seen a bunch of stuff in the betas that are hopefully gonna stick around, but there's no guarantee. So I'm talking about screen recording. It's here in the beta. It was in the beta last year and they removed it, but I hope it sticks around this year.

Google AI Based App Predictions :-

We've also seen evidence of native scrolling screenshots which is gonna let you grab the entire web page. You should be able to pin apps to the Share sheet so that you don't have to depend on Google's predictions, you can just pin the thing you actually wanna share to.

Picture In Picture Mode :-

There's still picture in picture, but now you can resize the video.

Dark Mode Scheduling :-

Dark mode has better scheduling options.

And there still is some confusing stuff here. If you have a Pixel, you can install the beta on your phone right now. It's also coming to a few other Android phones this summer, so keep an eye out for news about that. But don’t put it on your main phone because it's a beta, and it's still a little bit rough around the edges

That’s It For This See You Soon.